your communication style that of an explainer or a venter?
explainer believes in the power of logic and rational (often detailed)
venter believes in the power of emotional truth and expression (often loudly).
are perfectly legitimate communication styles, but often at cross-purposes.
“Why do
people who consider themselves good communicators often fail to actually hear
each other? Often itʼs due to a mismatch of styles: To someone
who prefers to vent, someone who prefers to explain seems patronizing;
explainers experience venters as volatile.
This is why so many of us see our conversational
counterparts as lecturing, belaboring, talking down to us, or even shaming us
(if we are venters and they are explainers) or as invasive, out of control, and
overly emotional (if weʼre an explainer and theyʼre a venter).”
to do?
aware of your primary communication style, and suss out your Bad Boss’s (or
co-worker’s or colleague’s) primary style.
you are an explainer or a venter--exercise tolerance. Allow a venter to get
whatever off their chest, and let it flow right off you like water off a duck’s
back. Allow an explainer to go through whatever lengthy exposition they deem
both cases, listen respectfully! Reflect back what you heard (checking in), and
proceed from there.
Simply understanding each other’s communication
preferences can go a long way towards making a Bad Boss situation, for example,
a merely annoying Boss situation.
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