Good work habits are what help us overcome the inevitable
“who cares?” inertia that can develop from being under the thumb of a Bad Boss.
Good work habits are the ways you help yourself achieve your
job goals when your boss won’t-can’t-wouldn’t ever support them, much less
nurture and guide you towards them.
Simone, co-founder and CMO of Copyblogger Media, suggests a simple productivity
structure that makes it easy to develop good habits:
“There are really just two elements to any successful
productivity system. One, figure out what you need to do next on any given
project. Don’t put ‘Launch my e-book’ on your to-do list; put ‘Write outline’
or ‘Research my primary topic’ or ‘Talk with Blogger X about a guest post to
“String those actions together and you come up with finished
projects. . .
“Which leads us to the second key element: Two, block out
chunks of uninterruptible time to focus on your most important project. Once
you’ve identified the next action to take, you need to block out time on your
calendar and make an unbreakable commitment to doing it. . . Consistency and
focus are much more important than the raw number of hours you spend.”
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