Friday, September 27, 2013

Free October 9 Webinar: Got a Bad Boss? It’s Time to Take Charge

Do you have a Bad Boss--a boss who makes your daily eight-plus hours an exercise in abject misery; mind-bending soul-searing abuse that you endure day after day? There is hope! Join me as I share the secrets of how to turn the tables on a Bad Boss so he or she begins to behave the way you want them to--so you get more of what you want out of your job and career. And it doesn't matter if your boss is a raging egomaniac, a tyrannical finger pointer, an incompetent boss or any other type of Bad Boss, they all can be worked to your advantage.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

--The three most common types of Bad Bosses
--The secret fears and secret desires that drive your Bad Boss’s behavior
--How to use what you discover about your bad boss’s secrets to your advantage at work
--Real life examples of workers who turned their worklife with a Bad Boss from awful to awesome
--Plus a Q&A at the end

October 9, 2013
10:00 am PST

For more info, go to:

Don’t Let Bad Boss Who-Cares-itis Get You Down: Fix Your Broken Windows for Success

It’s very easy, when you’re stuck with a Bad Boss, to adopt a “whatever” or “who cares?” attitude. After all, your Bad Boss doesn’t care about your well-being. All your Bad Boss cares about is his or her self-importance.

So you leave your work area less than neat, you don’t make that extra effort to finish a project really well, you don’t bother to participate in meetings beyond the absolutely necessary, and you certainly don’t take any initiative for improvements. Why bother?

But here’s the thing--many years ago, social scientists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling introduced the “broken windows” theory, which goes like this:
“Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the windows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break a few more windows. Eventually, they may even break into the building, and if it's unoccupied, perhaps become squatters or light fires inside. Or consider a pavement. Some litter accumulates. Soon, more litter accumulates. Eventually, people even start leaving bags of refuse from take-out restaurants there or even break into cars.”

What Wilson and Kelling found, is that vandalism occurs much more quickly as the community gives off a "no one cares" vibe. This finding has been used successfully by local police all over the nation--help a community rid itself of graffiti, broken windows and other signs of neglect, and the crime rate goes down.

How does this relate to you at work? When you show “signs of neglect” around your work area, projects, willingness to participate and so on, it’s easy for those around you not to care about you either.

So your co-workers aren’t likely to help you with much, supervisors from another department unlikely to take notice of you as an up-and-comer (they’re more likely to see you as a down-and-outer) and generally speaking, you miss out on any possibility of advancement. All of which has nothing to do with your Bad Boss.

Don’t make your situation worse than it is! Fix your “broken windows,” take pride in your work well done, and put yourself in the running for success.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Book Challenges Prevailing Wisdom on How to Succeed Despite a Bad Boss

“Got a Bad Boss? Work that Boss to Get What You Want at Work” Offers Unique Approach; Tailors Advice Based on Individual Employee
and Bad Boss Personality Types

September 25, 2013—Los Angeles, CA--Dr. Noelle Nelson, noted psychologist and author of 12 books, today released Got a Bad Boss? Work that Boss to Get What You Want at Work (eBook, $7.99.) Got a Bad Boss? offers innovative techniques for discovering a bad boss’s fears and desires, thereby allowing employees to “work” the boss to get what they want in their jobs and careers.

According to Gallup, the main factor in workplace discontent isn’t wages, benefits, or hours; it’s the boss. In addition, 75% of working adults say the most stressful aspect of their job is their immediate boss. Bad bosses are nothing new; what is new is how employees can engage with bad bosses to be successful in the workplace.

Once employees shift  their mindset from thinking that their only option is to keep their head down and just do their job to figuring out how to answer their bad bosses’ secret fears and desires, they’ll discover how rewarding it is to finally be able to work for their own benefit and success,” says Nelson.

In her 25 years as trial consultant, Nelson has seen first-hand the nasty emotional and collateral business damage of lawsuits involving a bad boss. That, combined with her relationship expertise--from wonderful to abusive--infuses Got a Bad Boss? with practical, hands-on advice for the legions of unhappy employees who have an abusive boss, but who aren’t in a position to quit.

Nelson challenges the conventional advice to employees that says they should attempt to have a meaningful conversation about their unhappiness with their boss. “Any boss who can engage in meaningful discussion is by definition, not a bad boss,” says Nelson. “A bad boss only cares about his or her own success. The way to get through is to build trust and become an ally to your boss. When you do, the power shifts in the relationship. Got a Bad Boss? provides specific tools that enable employees to regain control of their work life and career.”

Got a Bad Boss? details how to work each bad boss type--seven in all, including the Finger Pointer Boss, Incompetent Boss and Egomaniacal Boss – using an employee’s particular work strengths, such as those of an Ambitious Employee, Hyper Sensitive Employee or Pleaser Employee. “Readers can easily match their own employee type to a specific bad boss type to find strategies they can immediately put into action,” explains Nelson.